Fix: Spotify Artist With Same Name (4 Solutions!)

Spotify Wrong Artist Profile

Did your song get released under the wrong Spotify profile?

As more and more people listen to music online, it became common for different musicians to share the same name...


Whether you're using Free Music Distribution or an Alternative Music Distributor - this can happen from time to time.


You may find that another artist with the same name appears as a related result after creating a Spotify artist page and uploading your album.


At the moment, there are at least 10 different Spotify musicians named DJ Love, for example:


Spotify Artists With The Same Name


This is because Spotify creates profiles based on data you input for your music distributor.


If you and another musician share an artist name... Then you can release to the wrong artist profile.


Spotify's process can confuse the artist's name.


If you're in a similar predicament, this is how you get the correct artist page.


No need to search the internet for more info on Spotify page separation...


If you share the same name as another musician, you'll need an Artist Separation. Email the Spotify team or your distributor to get this done efficiently and correctly.


Furthermore, read the full article for more clarity.


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#1. Find out which Spotify Account is the real one

Locate Your Spotify Artist Profile


To begin, you must determine which Spotify artist page is the genuine one.


Here are a few ways to differentiate your new artist profile:

  • Read artist bio

  • Look for any collaboration tracks

  • Find any songs on that artist's page


Sign in to Spotify for Artists through This Link and you can validate.


Sometimes when you release new music through collaboration, you may have a new artist profile generated.


Being listed as a featured artist is different from releasing your own music.


The music industry has changed since going digital!


Spotify Playlisting and promotion can only be done once it's released well/


Searching for your name on music streaming platforms may return results for another Spotify musician with a similar name.


If you release through a record label or digital distributor - this isn't an issue.


They can easily take it down from the wrong artist profile and then re-release it with the correct artist name.



#2. Get in contact with the other artist

Message The Other Artist With The Same Artist Name


It is essential to check out the other artist's profile and initiate direct communication.


The other artist will most likely be understanding and help on the other side.


You may contact them via their artist profile by leaving a message or commenting on their most recent social media post.


Either search for their artist name on Instagram/Twitter or check their artist bio.


Make it bluntly clear to the other artist that you didn't intend to create any sort of misunderstanding by picking an artist name that sounds similar to theirs.


The other artist's profile is not a "fraudster" or imposter. 


This is just a daily occurrence when over a million tracks are released on Spotify every few weeks.


You're better off making the other user a friend than an enemy simply because they are called the same artist name.


Always maintain a level of professionalism and politeness.


You can only catch flies with honey!


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#3. Create a separate artist name (risky)

Choose Another Artist Name


If you have the same or similar names as other artists...


It may be best to start over with a fresh artist name. 


You can use my DJ Name Generator to gain ideas!


You don't need to record a new track... 


Just request a takedown for the old record, then post it again on your new user profile.


This may be the answer in some cases.


You don't want fans to search your artist name on Spotify, then a totally different artist page appear in your place.


Streaming services such as Apple Music and Spotify may cause this to happen again...


Also, having the same or similar names will hurt your chances of earning the name on social profiles.


Avoid competing against other artists by choosing a unique Spotify page name.


This is particularly useful if you don't have a significant number of followers and a decent fan base. 


You can change your artist ID and have nothing to lose!


Treat your Spotify page as a hub for your songs.


You can create a new page by logging into your music distributor account and clicking on the “Settings” button. 


You need to provide basic information about your band and select the category that best describes your music. 


Once you have done this, you will be able to create your own artist page and avoid competing against another artist ID!


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#4. Reach out to your Distributor to change the artist page

Hit Up Your Distributor


Your Spotify artist page is generated by your aggregator.


Just sign into your distributor's account and hit the support request button.


If you present the situation and how it got mixed up, they can get it solved.


The request may take a few weeks, but it's with it in the end.


You won't generate money for the right ISRC Code unless you get the Artist Separate request.


However... I understand that it's easier said than done.


Depending on your music distribution partner, you may get better or worse support.


The Boost Collective aggregator is the best for these reasons:


Writing an email to the person in charge of your song release is the best way to get ahold of your art details.


Since they are the ones who put out your albums - they have control.


Politely request an answer from them about your Spotify song release :)


Your music distributors are your friends, so with this in mind, you should have no worries.


In this case, you get bad support... You can easily Switch Music Distributors.


Compared to iTunes/Apple Music - artists have more control over a Spotify release.


Check the Top 30 Music Distribution Partner ultimate review to see your options!


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How to contact Spotify for the wrong artist profile

Contact Spotify For Artists Support


Do you feel like you've exhausted all possible options but still haven't found a satisfactory answer?


You can reach the official live support Spotify Page for assistance!


Your new music release means a lot to Spotify,


Unless you've released with a label, then you have full autonomy over the Spotify page and all songs.


For bonus Spotify assistance with setting up your profile or managing your music, check out the Spotify for Artists support center.


Apple Music and Spotify for Artists are here to let you manage your track release.



how To report music on Spotify under the wrong artist

It won't cost any money to access quality support services.


Use the search bar or post a question on the Spotify Community


Here, other users are willing to offer advice and suggestions.


It's the best place for Spotify to link support.


You can find new ways to solve your Spotify music release issues.


The Spotify team can help with all label and indie band songs.


So long as you have a valid Spotify ID and released a recording - you're eligible.


Alternatively, can also send a request tweet to the @AskSpotifyStars link.


It may seem like hell to contact Spotify for track support, but I hope you keep going!


Found this article helpful? Share it with an artist friend!


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There are many artists with the same name in the industry. 


Your Artist ID is an artist's lifeblood when they release music!


If you don't correct any song release mistakes then your song/album is bound to have issues.


This will matter when trying to make money or reach a level of success for your song release!


This artist name issue can happen if you choose a common artist name or opt to go by a shortened version of your name. 


However, this does not mean that you have to change your name!


There are many ways to avoid competing against another artist with the same name and the Spotify artist page is one of them.


Instead of making a request and finding an answer to this issue... You are better off avoiding it.


Anybody, even your best friend can call himself "Drake" but that doesn't make it true.


To get heard on Spotify - find what is unique about you and make it your brand!


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