20 Best Talent Agencies For Musicians!

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The artist management dilemma

Ever considered using a talent agency to progress your music career and get further in the music business?


Well, many new artists are stuck in a dilemma...


See, on one hand, they want to get professional help with their music biz.


But on the other hand, they don't know if the return on investment will be worth it.


This is the dilemma that comes when working with an artist development company.

If that's what you're wondering, I have the answer for you in this blog.


I'll help you clarify your vision and find ways to make money from Musbrandsand.


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top 20 booking agencies (talent agencies)

Which booking agency is good for me?


Here are the 20 best booking agents and talent agencies to use

Talent Agency Location
The Kurland Agency Boston
Bandturo International
MOB Agency Los Angeles
Leafy Green Booking United States
Fleming Artists Michigan
Hello Booking Minneapolis
TKO Experience International
Panache Booking California
Comboplate Booking Texas
FATA Booking US & Canada
Small Time Booking Texas, Oregon, New York
New Frontiere Touring Nashville
CAA (Creative Artists Agency) New York, Los Angeles
William Morris Agency United States


Find a booking agent that will get you personalized attention to your music!


A vital part of Industry expansion is to book shows and get more people in your brand audience.


20 best booking agencies


Managing tours is a pretty big job, ESPECIALLY if there's not a professional job that you plan to do for the rest of your life.


Even for the most dedicated solo artist...


In most cases, there will be screw-ups when handling your artist management tours.


The biggest names in the industry don't hunt a venue for their events - they let their talent agency handle everything.


You should take this mentality when it comes to artist management & show bookings.


To aid your search, we also put together a list of the best music PR services - check them out here.



5 reasons to use an artist management firm

Here are the top five reasons to use an artist management agency:

  1. They have more experience
  2. They have an artist development system
  3. Artist management companies have industry connects
  4. Artist management companies take care of music production & music promotion
  5. You can use the remainder of your time to focus on making music


Benefits to Artist management


Independent artists are already extremely disadvantaged in the music industry...


True, you don't necessarily NEED a talent agency or artist management company to get some buzz.


You can do it all by yourself, many new artists pulled themselves up by the bootstraps!

But - the only issue is the artist development aspect.


See, your music career will naturally hit a plateau.


Once you reach the capacity that an independent artist gets to, what will you do without extra help?


At this stage, you won't know what strategies and methods push you further in your music career.


You'll need exclusive connections and insider knowledge to take it to the next step.


See, If everybody had access to this expertise then there would be trillions of platinum-selling musicians...


Your personal experience from working with artist management companies comes in handy here.


An artist management company has done thousands of campaigns with other artists so they've got the know-how to get you further!



best artist management companies for promo

Now that you understand the value of artist management companies you need to know one thing:

Not every artist management agency is the same.


They provide different results and services for musicians.


Here are the top 5 artist management firms independent artists should work with:

  1. Boost Collective
  2. United talent agency
  3. NEXT management
  4. Kobalt Music
  5. Big Noise


5 Best artist management firms


Sometimes a talent agency will just focus on booking shows for musicians, whereas other music development companies work to promote your music.


For that, I recommend using Boost Collective of course.


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marketing agency VS artist management agency

When you hear "artist management agency" a lot of things may come to mind.


This is what a marketing agency will do for you:

  • The land you playlist placements
  • get your YouTube promotion
  • connect you with influential music blogs


Marketing agency benefits and services


A regular music marketing agency will help you with artist development but more on the promotion side.


This is what an artist management company will do for you:


  • The talent agency helps with the music business and licensing
  • Catalog management
  • The book shows their artist

Artist management benefits and services


The main difference between an artist management agency and a standard music marketing agency is the type of campaign.


Naturally, artist management will work more one-on-one with performing artists.


Every talent agency has a booking agent or two to get their global roster heard!


(If not then the management company will at least have a network of booking agencies they use for booking shows.)


Which one is best for you?


If you feel that currently, you'd rather shift your hard work towards a marketing agency...


Tap below to get heard by the most trusted agency Boost Collective.


How to Contact Booking agents in the music industry

If you don't want to work with an artist management firm - that's fine!


In this case, you will need to work with booking agencies.


Unless you want to manually seek out venues and events... Talent agencies and booking agencies are here for you.


Here's a secret: booking agents are generally also event promoters.


When you see an event happening locally, hit up the artists that are performing.

Reach out and ask them for management contact.


In most cases, the same booking agent who promoted that event also promotes other venues.


Although the industry is large, it's usually one agent that manages the relationships among a group of venues.


But the thing is... It's hard to get a genuine conversation with his booking agent.


They deal with musicians and network all the time, so it's hard to stand out compared to the normal workload.


For this reason, I recommend using a talent agency.


They take a small cut from the total gigs revenue but the hard work they do to get you shows will be worth it as an artist.


To gain success you have to enlist the help of others.


For these reasons, I recommend you use booking agents or a booking management company.


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Why you need a music manager

Do you need a manager in the music industry?


Well, that's something that you're gonna have to decide on yourself.


If you check a bunch of these prerequisites then it might be time to get a manager for your music business:

  • Your music production is top-notch
  • Do you have trouble booking shows
  • Do you feel your hard work isn't getting more success
  • Your career is at a stagnation point
  • Do you have a decent budget for professional work
  • You don't have many relationships in the music industry


In these cases, it may be worth it to get some artist management.


Now that does initially mean you get a personal music career manager...


Sometimes hiring marketing agencies as a firm will render better results than going solo.


It's always worth it to try different things in your music industry, it may just be the thing that boosts your music career!


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