How To Make Your Rap Songs Sound Professional

Go from an okay rapper to sounding pro!

Improve Your Rap Songs Today!

What you're about to read is meant to help you make better Rap songs.


Rap music has become increasingly popular and it's getting harder to get noticed as a rapper without sounding like every other "rapper" out there.

If you're rapping just for fun, then that's fine!


If you want to be taken more seriously though, nothing will get you noticed more than becoming a good rapper.


Rap music is still an art form, and when done well, Rap can be very beautiful.


Rap may also be the fastest growing type of music in the world right now so there's every reason to improve your Rap skills.


The question I'm often asked is "How do I make my Rap songs sound professional?"


So here it is.... our Rap Music 101 guide.


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YouTube Channels to Boost Your Raps!

Here are some rap YouTube channels to Boost your rap career!


these YouTube channels are designed to help you get better in the promotion, production, and distribution aspects.


Top 3 rap YouTube Channels:

  1. Boost Collective
  2. How To Rap Nation
  3. Ronan Boost


Best Rapper Youtube Channels


Check out these channels so that you can improve your rap career!




Rap music is both unique and not because anybody can pick up a mic and make somebody listen to their talent.


The genre has almost no boundaries.


Rap artists have been known to create music in almost every conceivable genre of music including hip-hop with symphony orchestras, or even country (shoutout Lil Nas X).


Quality rap music is not any more difficult to make than Pop or Rock... and "talent" is easy to find in every city around the world.


Rap production skills are a different matter though and sadly, proper production skills are hard to come by.


But hey... if you can master them... you WILL advance quickly!


Tyler The Creator has mastered the art of unique production and songwriting


Tyler The Creator is a great example of someone who's mastered production and songwriting.


If you want your Rap songs to be successful then you need to work on both your rapping skills and production.


Music production involves the art of making Rap music sound great, and then writing your rap lyrics is all about the words you use to tell a story or talk about current events.


Okay so...


How many times have you heard "I don't like that song... it has too much swearing in it!"


Rap is about making your songs more enjoyable for the specific listener.


It's not for everyone.


Who cares if your aunt doesn't appreciate it?


It's not for them, and that's totally cool.


Rap writing is an art in itself.


Anyone can rap over a beat but not everyone can write words that make you listen and remember long term!


Think about your favorite artists and the messages that last in your mind from your favorite songs.


Level up Your rap skills today.

How To Rap Book


This banner above (with the book) ☝️ is the BEST resource for upcoming rappers.


This book is widely used in music schools around the world and was called "the best how-to book of its kind" by Music Connection.


Many well-known musicians provide guidance and insight to this fascinating guide, including:
  • Clipse
  • Cypress Hill
  • Nelly, Public Enemy
  • Remy Ma
  • Schoolly D
  • A Tribe Called Quest


This $12.00 book is the most impactful investment you can make in your career. Deadass.

Examining the dynamics of rap from every region and every form (mainstream and underground, current and classic.)
This book covers everything from content and flow to rhythm and delivery.
Here you'll discover countless candid and exclusive first-person insights gleaned from interviews with over a hundred of the most innovative artists.
How to Rap is the first book of its type, and it's packed with useful information for aspiring rappers and seasoned veterans alike!
Just tap here to get the 'How To Rap' book today.



Rap Music Production

If you want to be taken seriously as a rapper then I strongly advise you to get a digital audio workstation software.


(For example, Fl studio, Ableton Live, Logic Pro, and Pro Tools) and start to learn how Rap songs are actually built.


But why??? I just want to rap though...


Well... the truth is, most rappers don't know how great songs are actually constructed.


Learning this can give you a MASSIVE advantage, especially in the studio.


Kanye West is a great example of a producer who became a rapper


Think about Kanye West...


He came up with producing beats for famous rappers like Jay Z, The Game, Common, etc...


His knowledge of putting together great productions 100% helped him get incredible at spitting bars.


We recommend going with FL Studio or Ableton as their workflows are easily mastered quickly.


Rap music can be made using samples or it can be produced from scratch using synths, drum patterns, etc...


Any DAW contains everything you need to produce rap music from scratch including sampling and tools to make quality rap beats.


How To Improve Your Rap Skills

If you want to get better at rapping then there are a few things that will help you on your way to being a great rapper.


Firstly, we HIGHLY recommend looking at this guide on how to flow on a beat effortlessly.


Trust me... it's going to help. And you can drastically improve your flow in just a few days.


Rappers who get better over time have usually been rapping for years and they are always practicing their skills.


You need to be dedicated to improving your rapping skills if you want to make it as a rapper because unless you practice constantly, there is no way that you will improve your craft.


10,000-hour rule right?


Eminem has thousands of hours logged into his rapping craft



Ultimately... your Rap knowledge is key.

It's all about the lyrics, flow, and delivery.


To sound more professional you have to reference rap songs from your favorite popular artists throughout the genre.


There's no point in trying to mimic an artist if they are always changing up their style so that it never sounds or feels like your own unique voice.


We want listeners to be able to identify with what you're saying and remind them of past experiences from their life (appeal) so that when they hear a song live they know exactly who is performing (and spend money).


An underrated way to get better at rapping FAST is to find someone who raps more masterfully than you and then try to beat them!


The more advanced rappers will also freestyle with a partner - having two people bouncing ideas off of each other will result in hours of fun.


And hey... a great way to get better at rapping.


Checkout this lyric writing tip


Another writing tip is to write lyrics about what you are feeling or experiencing every day.


Make songs that people can relate to.


People love hearing music from artists that they can relate to.


Some Rappers have made millions over the years from continued success with their first debut album.


(Usually, these albums are extremely relatable as the artist is early in their career).


Write your lyrics, get outside of yourself, and think about what really makes everyday life difficult for most people living in big cities (use real-world situations to make your writing more credible).


Also include your lyrics on websites like Genius or A-Z Lyrics to make it easier for people to decipher what you are saying, even if your songs aren't advanced or technical. 



Get your own music studio booth (for under $500)

Studio Booth


This image above (with the portable music studio) ☝️ is the BEST resource for musicians!


It's astonishing that such a sizable booth can be folded up and moved with such ease, then re-erected anywhere you choose using a home recording booth.
Buying this $450 booth saves you thousands in studio time fees.
Here are the benefits of this portable music studio:
  • This little studio booth is ideal for use in tight quarters (dorms, rooms.)
  • The soundproof booth is useful for reducing echo and other background disturbances
  • The end result is perfectly dry and clear vocals
  • You save thousands in studio time and specific equipment


Portable Music Studio

The goal of every recording session is to capture a dry, noise-free signal, and a portable voice booth is the perfect tool for doing just that!
Instead of having a voice booth permanently set up in a studio, you can simply fold it up and put it away when you're done using it.


Ever since my producer bought one of these... Life became 100x better.


Just tap here to learn more - this might just be for you!



You Might Get Laughed at...

If you want to get good at rap/hip-hop lyric writing and improve your skills then be prepared to get laughed at...


A not so good rap verse


We were all laughing at this... but in a good way...


While others watch you write so many bad verses (because trust me... everyone writes some not-so-good bars when they get started).


You need to get used to writing and being public about your music so that you can practice putting yourself out there!


Every time you write a bad verse it is an opportunity for growth!


Not everyone has what it takes to make millions from making music, but those who are passionate enough will make music that people want to hear.


Rappers also make good business decisions when they come up with a creative way of getting their songs listened to on the radio, Spotify, YouTube, Tik Tok, etc...  


Don't forget, people do judge you by the company you keep so if you make friends with other musicians you will have - it's good to make new friends who can help your music career.


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Why? Because it just works... No bots...


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Boost Collective Spotify promotion is the best in the game!




If you want to check out some Boost Collective reviews, we've got lots of testimonials for ya!


Okay... back to business.


If you don't know what kind of songs to write then find out what other artists are doing and then deliver something totally unique.


Be a trendsetter (not a follower) and give people a reason to listen to your music!


Develop your unique style and start listening to other artists, then develop on what you hear.


Take the inspiration from anywhere you can get it!


Rappers make the best songs when they feel like their music truly represents who they are as an artist.


Well-crafted lyrics are a great thing to master if you want to make better rap songs.



Here's how To Actually level up

The best way to learn how to make your rap song more professional is to do some research about what has worked and hasn't worked in the past, and then fill those holes.


Look at the music industry and find out what you can do to get to the next level.


Find little things that you can insert that's not the direction everyone else is going.


It's okay if they make fun of your writing or say that you can't rap, as long as they're talking about your music.


You will find your audience.


Think about Mario Judah, Cochise, or Midwxst.


Here's a GREAT example:



* notice the Pikachu samples and hyper pop production? 


like your music! It is always important to push the boundaries.


Create quickly and innovate wherever you can so you can get feedback from your peers. 


Rap songs are made to be performed and published for profit, however, it is important that you develop the right mindset when refining your songwriting skills or else you will struggle to gain the support of other musicians.


Make sure that your skills are getting better and that you make time to practice.


Here's a bonus songwriting tip: get your songwriting down on paper.


There's just something about physical writing that can really bring out that expressive creativity.


We can't explain it... it just helps haha.


Push the boundaries in your songs


But hey remember...


The best music is made when musicians let their emotions guide them through the process of developing songs with a great melody.


(Even if you have never rapped before).


Be true to yourself and make music that you can (actually) enjoy making.


This is very important for any aspiring musician (even if it takes a while before someone listens to your music).


Don't forget all the hard work that goes into making rap songs.


Aim to improve your skills every time you write lyrics.


Quality songs have to be catchy but still contain relevant information that will make people want to stream your music.


(Especially in 2021 and beyond)


Make sure you are networking with other musicians who are as passionate about songwriting as you are.


This is the only way to get on top and stay there!


Also, don't forget that collaborating with other rappers is a major part of your success.


Do you make good rap music?

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It’s time you get your exposure and listeners up - playlisting by Boost Collective has been trusted by 50,000+ artists worldwide.


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